3097-0020 chemagic™ DNA Plasma200 Kit (MSM I)

chemagic IVD DNA isolation kits

3097-0020 chemagic™ DNA Plasma200 Kit (MSM I)

The chemagic DNA Plasma200 Kit (MSM I) is intended for DNA extraction on the chemagic MSM I instrument from 200 µl fresh or frozen human plasma samples collected in EDTA or citrate blood tubes for downstream analysis by PCR based in vitro diagnostic systems. The extraction protocol processes 96 samples in parallel in approximately 60 minutes.

CE-IVD kits for chemagic 360-D

Extraction from plasma samples spiked with similar amounts of bacteriophage followed by analysis by RT-PCR saw consistent and reproducible results.

chemagic IVD DNA isolation kits

Product Overview

Product No.3097-0020
Sample200 µl plasma
Instrumentchemagic MSM I instrument
Runtime60 min
Elution volume100 µl
Required items not supplied in kitchemagic Magnetic Separation Module I, MSM I (prod. no. CMG-500) or the chemagic Magnetic Separation Module ND, MSM ND (prod. no. CMG-533) with chemagic 96 Rod Head (CMG-536).
chemagic consumables (tips, deep well plates and low well plates, prod. no. 4155-0010)
pipettes and pipette tips with aerosol barriers
chemagic Stand 96 (prod. no. CMG-301) (Optional)
DocumentsInstructions For Use (IFU) - EN

Products may not be licensed in accordance with the laws in all countries, such as Canada. Please check with your local representative for availability.