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Automated DNA isolation for NGS from FFPE samples

Automated DNA Isolation and Library Preparation

Automated DNA purification from FFPE samples for NGS library preparation

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized the field of genomic research. The dropping costs and technology improvements have made feasible the application of NGS to high-throughput studies, providing a new and powerful tool to scientists working in fields as diverse as plant biology and human genetics. A crucial step in the NGS workflow is the preparation of the library for sequencing. A poor-quality library can lead to profound technical artifacts that might influence the results and, ultimately, data interpretation. The isolation of pure high molecular weight DNA or full-length RNA and a consistent and robust fragmentation protocol are the foundations to successful library preparation. To ensure that both conditions are met, chemagen has integrated the Covaris® Focused-ultrasonicator to its nucleic acid purification workflow. By exploiting the chemagic™ technology, ensures optimal extraction of DNA and RNA from a wide range of sample types. The purified nucleic acid is then fragmented using the Covaris® Focused-ultrasonicator. The integration of the Covaris®  system with the chemagic™ workflows ensures unparalleled high-throughput capabilities from primary sample to DNA and RNA fragments of the desired size ready for library preparation.

The chemagic™ research instrumentation and kits offer perfect solutions for high-throughput DNA extraction from a wide variety of sample types by providing:

  • High DNA yields
  • Fast processing times
  • Tested sample handling technology – lower cross-contamination occurrences
  • Full or partial automated systems – less hands-on time during the nucleic acid purification procedure
  • High levels of DNA integrity – up to 200 kb fragments suitable for the most complex genomic analyses
  • Long-term stable nucleic acids – ideal for biobanking and clinical research applications

For more information, please download the application note.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.